Today is a day where four out of my five children go to school. It is always a super cute sight as they take off together.

Solly was particularly adorable this morning. As a boy who has always rather had things done for him, he requested to brush his own teeth this morning. I helped, I promise. Hee chose a shirt he has refused to wear in the past. He is oddly particular about clothes. And upon leaving for school, he asked for a hat. Which doesn’t sound that weird, but no one else had one, and it was just a specific request for whatever reason. I’m not making sense. I guess I’m saying I like seeing him think for himself a little.

Once they were gone, we were down to the three of us! I am working on some reorganizing in our room, so Brady and Waverly came up with me. We listened to music. Wavy played in empty boxes and with the few toys she brought along with her. Brady worked on planning out another project we’ve been sitting on for a little while. And I worked, ran all over the house, and got things in their homes.
I am hesitant to even write this out, but I’m sure many of you won’t be surprised.
Sometimes its really hard to be the one who does most of the legwork. My partner in crime, as badly as he wants to, cannot move around as simply as he could before. While he is capable of going up and down the stairs, it is not an especially mindless task. So when there are runs to make up and down the stairs, that’s on me. This morning, that was a hard reminder for me. As I awkwardly stumbled my way down the stairs, my arms filled with 8′ long boxes, pieces spilling out of them as I went, I felt exhausted and discouraged. But I heard Wavy say behind me “Oh wow. Mommy can do that??” Brady confirmed that yes, I absolutely could. And that helped a lot. It was a one second conversation, and it was probably only significant to me, but it brought forth to me yet another way that this year has given our family new opportunities. Not only is it giving me ample chances to grow and stretch myself, but my children will see other ways that we all overcome. We will only be stronger because of Brady’s surgery and the outcome of it.
We’re all taking on new roles around here. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and change and grow.
But today…

Watch over us, Lord.