I’ve been doing monthly updates on Waverly, which I’m really enjoying. I almost feel like I should do a “Whats my Kid up to” post each month on the corresponding day they were born. Thoughts?
Anyway, because I’m doing monthly updates on Wavy, I tend to hang onto info abut milestones until the 2nd of the next month, but I also want to have the exact date on record, and in this case, I’m just too excited! Hahaha! Don’t judge me. Its a mom thing.
I mentioned on November 24 that Wavy had cut her first tooth. Now that tooth was like a teeny tiny bit poking out for a couple of days already, but when it really pushed through was when I counted it. It was out almost all the way across. On the 26th, she went to bed with most of that tooth poking through her little gums and woke up on the 27th with TWO teeth completely through!!
Was SO awesome! She felt SO good about herself, too. Not complaining at all!
She continues to chew away at her hands, happy as a clam. I wonder how many more are on their way out! Our kids tend to teethe in twos, and the first four are often pretty back to back. Give yourself a rest, Wavy girl! I know you’re a pretty top notch individual and all, but you do NOT have to be an overachiever at such a young age!!