So. This is awkward. I swear we’re in the first week of May. Like I’m SURE of it!!
Our towns annual celebration weekend is in two weeks. Thats HUGE! Coincidentally, our little bandy-band is playing some live music that weekend! Whooooo wants to come?! Assuming we’re ready for it in time. Good thing we did that coffee house!
Seriously though, I can’t believe how much this month has got away on me! Just over a month of school left before SUMMER BREAK! Aaaaahhh!!! True story – I’m so stoked 🙂 July holds so much fun for our family!
We’ve spent this morning at my moms place, doing some work, playing outside with the kids, and eating so much delicious food. I’ve currently ducked back home to nap the three littlest kids. Brady’s hung back to do some more work, and my mom is hanging with Dekker and Laela. Its a super lovely day for all of us, I can confidently say 🙂 We’ll head back there for the afternoon and stay into the evening! The kids are so jazzed about being at grandmas “aaaaall day!”
Now I should take more time to blog something specific, or something more important, buuuut I’m working on some fun projects that I’m not sharing with anyone yet, and I’m far too distracted by them sitting beside me. I don’t often get quiet hours to work on them, so thats where I’m going to spend this nap time. Don’t judge me! If you had all of your kids napping at once, you’d do the same! Or maybe you wouldn’t. But I would! And I’m gonna.
Have a LOVELY long weekend, my friends. Get some sun, or some family time in. However your days look, I hope you love them.