I had a super bizarre moment a couple of days ago.
It started with eggs, of which we had a LOT. We eat a lot of eggs over here, and we had fallen behind eating them. Not too far behind, but far enough that I got it into my head that we should make something that uses eggs that I don’t usually make, so that, if its a total flop, I don’t feel as wasteful. Don’t come at me, I know this doesn’t make sense.
Meringues came to mind. Also don’t come at me. They don’t use as many eggs as I thought they did. But I had never made them, so I went forward with it.
Quickly I came to see that most recipes are a liiiiittle nitpicky, which is NOT my kind of recipe. But I did it anyway! Woohoo!
And guys, they worked!!

Loooook! I did it!!
They’re not perfect, but they’re YUMMY! Brady could not get enough, which made me feel sooooo good!
I know meringues are not everyone’s favorite thing, but they were delicious and well liked over here. Didn’t taste eggy at all. I will absolutely be making them again! Especially when I accidentally left them in the oven for 45 minutes longer than I meant to… That is MY kind of baking!
Are you for or against these bizarre crispy delights? Honest answer!