You guys were all SO loving last week when I shared with you about the changes we had made with Rowan. You can’t know how afraid I was, posting that blog, positive someone would suggest I didn’t love him well enough, or that he wasn’t being understood or appreciated. I received no feedback even remotely along those lines. Only support. It was amazing.
So here I am, back to update you! We have one more week of Melatonin use under our belts, and I figured I’d share it with you!
What I can tell you is that we started Melatonin on the best and worst time ever. Its the best because it WORKED. And he ASKED for it. And its been a RELIEF over Christmas for everyone, Rowan the most. Its the worst timing because our routine is far less scheduled than usual, meaning its an extra challenge to give it to him at the same time every night. If its off by a little, thats ok. If its off by more than a little, we see a change the next day. That being said, its still marked improvement.
One important thing I noted was that the day I posted the blog, December 21st, Rowan had a bout of sleepwalking. He hasn’t had one in months, and I didn’t much care for it, but he was easy to put back to bed. Totally reasonable. Very easy to redirect. I’ll never get used to that super dead look in his eyes tho *shivers*
So, some notes since last weeks post…
- 0 tantrums
- went down for naps happy, woke up happy
- irritable, self soothed
- dose late (6:50pm) still asleep by 7:30
- very reasonable, even though he didn’t like supper
- more tired, still WAY more reasonable
- irritable, small tantrum, rallied
- asked for a hug
- peaceful bedtime (my favorite)
So. Its working. Praise the Lord! Our current plan is to ride this out for about two months consistently. This first stretch being over Christmas is a relief, but I’m excited to get him into his usual school routine, and see how it works with that consistency behind it! At that point, we’re going to ween him from melatonin to a magnesium supplement and see what happens. Its kind of amazing how many mothers who could TOTALLY relate to our struggle reached out to me and suggested it! It was our original plan, and it was SO validating to know it could very well be the correct route!!
I am SO relieved that we’ve found a solution, at the moment, and that it appears there is more opportunity for improvement coming!!
Thank you again, friends, for your unending support!