I was motivated to write this post not specifically because of any big changes with Rowan’s melatonin usage, but because Facebook showed me this adorable flashback! Look at that chubby little mug!

He looks the least like his baby pictures than any of our other kids, for sure! Remember this side by side I made when Waverly was new? Can you place who’s who?

Its a process of elimination right? Rowan is the last one you place, because he looks the least like himself!
But he’s no longer a baby. He’s a whole big guy!!

I can vouch that he is doing really, really well. His capacity has somehow grown in the midst of all the chaos.
BUT, I can also vouch that there was some significant change a little while ago when we ran out of his magnesium supplement. He was without it for maybe a couple of nights, and they were horrendous.

He would get up constantly, and he threw HUGE tantrums in those evenings. One night, he woke up shortly after midnight, came upstairs, told us blatantly that he had no reason to wake us, and initiated a complete throwdown. It was horrific. I was absolutely haggard. We got his supplement back the next day, and it changed back pretty quickly. He’s been sleep walking a bit more since all of that, but they were incredibly stressful evenings and nights. I know I’m still nervous of it happening again, so I’m sure he subconsciously is, too.
With him caught back up on everything, he is doing way better again. Guys, it was uncanny how fast the lack of supplement affected him, and how quickly he was back to managing to his emotions when he caught back up!
Praise the Lord for guidance and help for Rowan. Keep it coming, so his life can only get easier to handle!