Melatonin Monday: Part Six

The road to Rowan continues! Thank you, my loyal friends, who follow along and care for my family the way you do. I had SUCH fear about sharing these struggles publicly. I didn’t want to be judged. I didn’t want Rowan to be judged. I didn’t want too many opinions. I didn’t want to hear “thats normal, he’s a kid” when I strongly believe his behaviour is not normal. I was very, very nervous. And you guys have aced the support thing. So, again, thank you. 

As I shared last week, Rowan is still sleeping SO much better, and he seems SO much healthier, but his attitude is slipping pretty badly. I said I was going to start looking into a magnesium supplement to help him that much more. My original plan had been to go from Melatonin to Magnesium anyway, so the process of switching was on the horizon anyway. Why not start now? 

So we did! I called around to some places around Saskatoon in search of a kids magnesium supplement. One place sent me some links, which was great, until I sent Brady to go pick up and they had none of it on their shelf. Merp. Thankfully, I was able to track down a gummy at Nutters on Broadway. Its called Natural Calm, which all on its own sounds pretty bang on. Its a yummy flavour, and beats the other options, which were powders needing to be stirred into hot water. Do most children drink hot beverages every day? Mine do not. That would be SO weird and foreign to them. A gummy makes way more sense over here, and Rowan has complied beautifully! He takes his two gummies at the same time every day, completely happily, and has been asleep every day by 7:30.

To be fair, magnesium does not hit ones system that far, so I have not observed any change in the way we’re hoping to see eventually. Things were very the same this week. He walked in his sleep ones or twice. But I’m relieved he’s so happy to take these vitamins. He knows what they’re for, and he’s SO willing to take them. That shows me how much he wants the help. 

Something I’d like to add to this post is the actual vitamins I’m giving Rowan. While not everything is good for everyone, I’ve had a couple of moms reach out to me, asking me where I got what we’re using. So, information! 

I get Rowan’s Melatonin gummies from Costco. 

They’re 2.5 mgs, and I’m under the impression that a doctor would normally prescribe 3 mgs for a child, so that feels perfect to me. And they work beautifully for Rowan. We give him his dose at 6:30, which is when the kids begin to tidy toys, brush up, and get ready for bed. By the end of devotions and prayer time, he’s yawning, and almost always, he is asleep by 7:30. Its beautiful! 

The magnesium supplement, Natural Calm, is from Nutters. 

It was expensive. About $40 for three months worth for one kid. Each gummy is about 80 mgs. The suggested dose for a child ages 4-9 is one gummy per day. 

I am NOT suggesting you use exactly what I use!! I just wanted to answer questions I’ve been asked a couple of times 🙂 We have found some relief. Life is much easier. When Rowan has a particularly difficult day, I remind myself what his bad days used to look like, and its such a significant change. I am SO relieved, because I know HE feels relieved!

Thank you for caring about Rowan the way you do. 

Deanne Makellky

Hey! I’m so glad you’re getting lots of support and that you’re in a good place. I just wanted to let you know that I have seen those same magnesium gummies at superstore in the natural foods aisle.
Also, my daughters and myself take a magnesium supplement and I use the powder but I get the same brand of powder (natural calm, u flavoured cuz I’m not a fan of the flavoured ones) and it can be mixed into cold beverages or even yogurt. So I mix it into a bit of juice. I know not everyone is a fan of giving their kids juice but I make sure it’s the kind that’s actually juice with no added sugar so in your words “no judgment please” 😆. If my kids actually ate yogurt I’d probably mix it in to the yogurt.
Anyway just thought I’d throw that out there. The powder can also be found at superstore and it seems expensive but the powder goes a long way and lasts a long time or I’ve bought it online from I think you can get the gummies from there as well.


I really appreciate this comment, thank you Deanne!! I didn’t know the powder was so versatile, and available at a grocery store! Thats SO much easier for us! Maybe we’ll go that route when we run out of these gummies 🙂 I’ve been thinking all of my children would benefit from this, not just Rowan, so an option that goes a little further sounds right up my alley!