As I mentioned in the previous posts, it was a very full weekend! Lots of fun, lots of memory making, lots of working, lots of visiting, and lots of photos to prove it 💜
So forgive the lack of organization on this post. There is no rhyme or reason. I also didn’t ask ahead of time about out friends kids being on the blog, so no unfamiliar faces in this one! You’ll have to take my word for it that our campsite was often filled to the brim with people we love 💜 It was AMAZING. Last year, we usually had our two chairs set up. This year, we had six adult chairs up at all times, as well as four kids chairs, and someone was still always sitting on a stump or the golf cart nearby. I loved that so much.
The drive up is always well loved by all. Its such a tradition now that rarely do the kids feel antsy or impatient. This time around, we opted to treat them to supper on the road so they could just arrive at run! It was worth it 🙂 They were SO happy. Definitely won’t be able to hit a restaurant every time, but I will ALWAYS try to arrange supper that we can eat in the van!

Fires are an immediate part of camp. The first move was to scoop out the ashes from the last weekend, but then we started a fire. It just feels more like home.

You might remember that Laela became quite the tagalong to my bathroom visits last year once I told her that girls pee together. Its really the cutest thing 😍
A very big part of this weekend was getting our deck roof completed. We did a little bit of work each day and it came together very smoothly.

Dekker has grown up a TON in the last year and was eager to actually be helpful and push himself in new ways. Isn’t he incredible??

Rowan couldn’t be left out, of course.
We brought the Batec out this time to see how well it would do in the camp setting. Its ok. Its not perfect. Its not great on hills, of which there are a lot. The golf cart is still vastly more versatile and makes more sense. But the Batec makes going for an actual walk as a family more possible. It was really nice, honestly.

Did I mention Cher was with us? She came on all the walks, picnics, dock viewing parties, etc. She is always a delight to have along with us 💜

We had one iffy moment where we misplaced a few kids, so Brady and I took a rip around to find them. It was a quick fix, and everyone was easily accounted for. Dekker chased us home. We won.

On the very last day, we got the final roof panels up, and the deck roof is officially all shaded! Next time, we will put up an eavestrough, and then that should be IT! Isn’t it SO pretty?? It looks like home. Because it is.

Going home is hard.

But we will absolutely be back! We have some BIG things in the works this week, so I’ll fill you in more about that tomorrow 🙂 For now, we’re just going to get through week and prep for the next time we’re out at Kinasao!
