All the wind has made some minimal adjustments for us. In the last few days, we’ve gained some and lost some. Shall we discuss? We shall.
Losses first. We lost a tomato… 😔 🍅

Its not completely severed, but it is flattened, lol! We’ll stake it up and see if we can save it, but it doesn’t look great.
We lost a chunk of siding, too :/

By “lost,” I mean it came off. It was still in the yard, thankfully, so when the wind dies down, hopefully well be able to pop it back on!
We also almost lost Lavondreas!

Have you guys met Lavondreas? I forget. He’s our lavender family member, and he fell over enough times that, this last time, his body broke a little 😢 So we replanted him in one of my moms big planters and he’s currently tucked away in a corner of the backyard, because we have cover there now!! Woot!

I guess that one is a loss and a gain! Woot! Onto the gains!
We have green!!!!

Our salad (lettuce) has started to grow!!! 🥬 This feels like a HUGE victory for me, because if you hadn’t noticed, I have some hefty insecurities around these things. But, success!!!
I spent a lot of yesterday walking up and down the rows of my garden, as though my visiting with them would encourage them to suddenly pop out of the ground. At one point, I was nitpicking with the rows and I picked a rock out of the row of bean greens (green beans) Underneath it, there were TWO bean sprouts!!!

I covered them back up lightly, because they maybe weren’t ready to come through yet, but I am SO happy they’re doing something under there!!
The wind didn’t bring them, but yesterday we also planted some raspberries, as well as a little grove of daisies and a tree!! We’re just over here, landscaping, maturing our property like adults! Lol! Don’t mind me, over here 💁♀️

I am oddly enjoying this time of life, if you hadn’t picked up on that…
It’s looking good! So exciting! Im always excited every year to see the plants pop up, never gets old! 😁 We ve had endless wind too! I’ve had to water each row lightly with the watering can every day, the wind dries it out so badly.
You re doing great, love it, it’s just so emotional rewarding, seeing things grow! And in your case the whole yard thing taking hold this year! Good on you guys! 💕💖
Emotionally rewarding. Thats a great way to say it! It really is! Every time I spot progress, I feel SO excited and validated somehow! Lol!