Food is hard these days, that isn’t a secret. Its SO hard for me to figure out what I’m hungry for, or what I can stomach, and sometimes its just trial and error, which isn’t fun. But this week, for whatever strange reason, I’ve been hungry for fuller, meatier meals, which was NOT the case in the weeks leading up to this one. Strange, strange changes, all the time.
Leftovers are the easiest lunch for me, because I don’t have to actually prepare anything, and they keep me fuller (and healthier, obviously) than the general snacky crap I end up eating otherwise.
Today, for lunch, I served myself up a decent sized bowl of leftovers from last nights supper. It was about half of what was left. I heated it up and it was gone waaay too fast. I hemmed and hawed and finally decided to bite the bullet and go back for round two. It was just so so good.
And then I lost my mind, and began microwaving my empty bowl. It only happened for a few seconds, thank goodness, before I clued in. My exact thought was “Wow, I loaded up that second serving fast! Or did I?” I did not, and stopped the microwave immediately. And nothing exploded!!! Win!
This is just one example of how I’ve been losing my mind the last few days. But hey, at least I didn’t lose my lunch!