I had a rough night and the kids were pretty irritable this morning as well, so we didn’t do much. I put all the cloth diapers that Dekker wore last time he broke out in yeast into the wash to strip them. Yes, I used bleach. Don’t judge me! I did a bleach and rinse, detergent and rinse, and then three full wash cycles without soap, so basically six rinses. I think they’ll be ok now!
Dekker was pretty lazy today…

But thats my favorite kind of lazy We watched a bit of tv and had lunch and Dekker finally ventured away from me to check out the new set up of our basement. Its much more open and he can really run around.
When the kids finally went down for a nap, I sorted through a ton of papers that were in a pile from when they were born. It was fun to go through it and see how different their lives have been already! Dekker’s hospital stuff was peppered with info on nursing, while Laela’s had basic info on formula feeding, since I had decided to bottle feed before she was even born. Dekker’s vision info had somehow slipped into the pile, while Laela’s contained more about jaundice and all the fun dangers that it carries. Of course, after I finished that huge stack of papers and got them separated and in order and put away, I found TONS more. Sigh. So that was a bummer.
I was so relieved when the diapers were done, only to be pushed down again by realizing that Dekker wore a couple of the diapers we had bought for Laela when we were in a pinch, and we don’t know which ones. Which means we have another day or two of stripping diapers ahead of us. Another sigh.
I don’t mean to be a downer, even thought I really, really sound like one. I’m just starting to lose my gusto, and it feels like everything I tried to accomplish today flopped. I even overcooked the ham for supper.
Luckily, surprisingly, Dekker was super excited for ham! He asked and asked until we’d give him more. And then something set him off and he got really angry, and just started screaming. We tried to relax him, but he was thrashing and furious. Sometimes, even if we know whats bothering him, he works himself into such a frenzy, he needs to cool off alone. So I walked with him to his room and said I’d get him when he calmed down.
Over twenty minutes later, we tucked him in for the night I was so sad. He slept sooo much this afternoon, but he was clearly in no shape to be with us for the evening. It wasn’t much earlier than usual, but he pretty much got up, ate, screamed for a half hour, and went back to bed. It was awful. However, every once in a while, he seems relieved by a punishment. Its like he knows he can’t be around people sometimes. So once he accepted that it was bedtime, he was smiling through his tear stained face and making jokes, giving big kisses, saying he loved me, and that he was happy. And he went down fine.
Hopefully we’ll get a bit done still here this evening before we go to bed. I need to get this motivation back! Any suggestions would be much appreciated.