Loose Ends

Its coming up, folks! Its definitely not over, but its coming.

Yesterday I was able to make a bunch of phone calls, lock down some dates and appointments, change some others, and confirm some plans for the next house. So far today has already been some of the same, locking down a schedule for the day. Laundry is going. Dekker is doing dishes. Food is in the slow cooker. A loving friend even offered to take the kids to school. So all the logistics are covered!! Thank you Lord!! There is obviously still much to do, but basic life things come first, of course!

Brady has things to pick up from work today. Thats his job. In every sense of the word, lol!

I have things to pack. That is my endless job, it seems. Is that legitimately ALL done before boxes start exiting the house? Because man. I’m running out of room to put boxes!!

As I type this, Dekker states “We’re short on everything right now. Dishes. Food. Time. The only thing we’re not short on right now is jobs.” And he’s right!! Though, to be clear, we’re short on food for a reason, haha! We’re trying to eat to the bottom of what we own so we have to move less, haha! And then shop a huge haul when we get to the next place. So NO ONE is starving by any means! Just some creative combos 😅

We are still hoping there is someone out there who would like a twin bed frame or three. They’re all different, and two have drawers underneath. Also our coffee bar that is a FABULOUS solid wood cabinet that has water damage on the top. Take them, guys!

Meanwhile we’re still on the hunt for some more of those clear plastic drawer units. They don’t have to be any specific way. Rowan just has LOTS of things, and as my boy who struggles most with change, he is struggling to part with any of his knickknacky things. And the kid needs a system, so I want him to have little drawers. I think it will truly help his sanity. I am happy to buy them also! Just wanted to feel it out first 🙂

Ok whew! Kids need to get out the door and I need to get into things! Gotta pack! And get a baby ready for a visit! Aaaaand I have to do a quick online sweep for a couple of items. A label maker. Some light fixtures maybe. And something else that just flew my mind because a kid spoke to me. Whew! We WILL get this all done! I am SURE of it!