I have lots of cute to share about today 🙂 But in the spirit of including everyone, I’ll get Brady and I out of the way first. Our tidbits are considerably less adorable.
Brady. Brady overslept this morning and got to work to hours late. Good thing he works for himself and can make the time up another time.
Hailey. I have zits on my neck that look like nipples. Fuuuuun.
In order of events…
Laela. Laela slept IN this morning. Like, WAY too late. I woke her finally around 8:00. They usually leave around 8:20. I dressed her zombie self in some long shorts and a tshirt she loves, and plunked her at the table. She obediently ate her breakfast as fast as she could, but I ended up shovelling the end of it into her mouth. If you know Laela, you know she’s independent, almost to a fault, but she was SO zonked this morning. I brushed her teeth and hair, and she had a few minutes to spare to get her backpack together. Except.
Dekker. Dekker had packed her backpack for her. He had stuffed her lunch kit while I prepared their food, which I already thought was nice of him. I had no idea he was still doing work for her. He put her library books and green bag into her backpack, along with her lunch, and carried it down to the entrance for her. He responsible oldest son.

Rowan. Rowan surprised me this morning. I had gone upstairs to pee (every mom’s mistake) and upon coming back down, found Solly had spilled his milk. And Rowan was on his hands and knees, paper towel in hand, cleaning up. He was FULL of smiles, seeming so happy to do something nice for me. I came to help him, obviously, and mopped up a weeping Solly while Rowan dried the floor. He told me “I’m trying to be nicer today.” I thought that was awesome 🙂

Solly. Solly loves Wavy so much these days. As I slipped her into her high chair, he shuffled over to be next to her. He greeted her warmly and told her she was so cute. I put some Cheerios on her tray and he excitedly announced “Cheerios! Eat those! Eat those!” He talks to her in this squeaky baby voice. Seeing him rock his role as a big brother is pretty wonderful. I’ll throw a video on Insta 😉
Waverly. Wavy learned how to blow kisses. Its INSANELY cute! She’s been making a kiss noise for a couple of days now, but last night, she started doing it way more, when we asked. This morning, she would only do it for Solly 😉 So thats saying something.

I’m quite smitten with my little fam jam.