No, I mean that, satirically at least.
There are things people do that make me wonder how they got their Idea, how they attained the confidence to do it, and furthermore, how they got the self assurance to take photograph evidence and post it on the internet.
First, is this deer. Let’s call this one: “Oh Deer”

But you still can’t get me to drive the same speed. I will always slow down! Even if it’s butt is full of snow.
Second, You’ve probably seen this, but I will never stop laughing. Can you imagine being the person who happens to have balloons and see this dead trash panda? And tie the strings down… to… something?

I will call this one “Party Animal”
And Finally, this one sorta makes me mad, but it also shows what we all know and don’t say: How lazy people are!

#3. Titled: “That’s Not My Job”