We’ve been doing projects left right and centre at the lake, while simultaneously feeling SO restful and peaceful. It is ONLY God who makes it possible! We are immensely grateful for the people through whom He works to make these things possible.
Last weekend at the lake, we worked on getting the ground levelled out.
Our campsite had a pretty significant slope to it, which is why we built the nice big deck – even ground. With that, though, Brady took a few falls and it felt a bit more urgent to get the rest of the ground more level. The campground manager offered to help us, and was SO willing, but he’d forget and we wouldn’t ask, so it kept getting pushed back. This last weekend, he noticed again, and we set a time. And it got done!
First he scraped it way down, as level as humanly possible. The small amount of slope that was left is perfect for drainage.

Wavy did not like the skid steer. Nor did she like the shoulder ride.

We did a bit of shovelling while our help went to grab lunch and do a few other things, and then he came back and scraped a little bit more. He got it perfectly right!

Then he brought a few loads of gravel and sand, and used his scoop to flatten out as much as he could.

Aaaaand then Brady and I got to work! We shovelled and levelled and raked out all the rocks.
As soon as it was possible, Brady put the fire pit in place. We had delayed having a fire that day so nothing would be hot when we were working, but we were EAGER to get back to it!

When our landscaping work was finally all done, I went for a couple loads of wood and split it all in preparation for a nice ongoing day fire!

As I’m sure you can imagine, there is more to do. I would love to have a short little retaining wall type of thing around our fire pit area, as there is a significant drop there and I think it would look tidy. And patio stones would be AMAZING, though we’re not holding our breath. For now, this felt like AMAZING progress! It is WAY more level, and WAY more secure. Before we left for home, we enjoyed two nice rains, which is going to help pack the sand and gravel down good and proper.
Just one more step towards making this place perfect for us. As if it isn’t already. This is aaaaall just gravy.