Sometimes I find myself with a bunch of cute pictures on my phone that don’t carry enough of a story to be a post on their own, but I don’t want them to get lost either. So that’s how I end up with a bit of a scattered “catch up” post like this one!
Laela made me a crown at school 🙂 Ok, she actually made it for herself, but it didn’t fit. Works for me!

Rowans hair has reached his waist! When its wet, anyway. It definitely shorter when its dry, but when its freshly washed and brushed right down, its at his pants! CRAZY!

I bought a curling wand the other day. It literally takes just as long to curl as it does to straighten, and I like this way more. Except I keep burning my hands!! My gosh, does anyone else have flashbacks of having their foreheads burned as a child when getting their bangs curled?? Tell me its not just me! Lol!

I’ve started harassing Dekker while he does his reading after school. Not in a bad way, but in a way where its more fun, and he’s less concerned with how long it takes. While Dekker reads just fine, its not his thing. I feel with him on that, as I never really cared to waste the day away snuggled up with a book like so many of my friends did. So I tease him and snuggle him and time is less of a worry. I love it.

Wavy cut her top teeth a little while ago, but didn’t show any signs of relief. I took this VERY flattering picture of her (😂) and saw that the teeth right next to them are working hard and fast! No break for her! At least she still looks super cute!

Apparently this perogie looks like a puppy. Just go with it.

When Brady is home and the kids are napping, sometimes we like to tuck into bed and binge watch whatever show we’re working on. These days, its Parks and Recreation. Wavy joined us the other day.

She joins us for everything these days… 😳

I got some special snuggles in with this boy while we watched music videos before bed yesterday. He’s since offered for me to snuggle with him many, many times. I accept.

We’re so so sad about Beard Guy here 😔 I can’t believe he passed away. Neither can Solly.

I saw this online today! I can dream about this kind of thing, haha! If only we could somehow cater to everyone’s specific situation, hey?

The last one is from this morning. I hung out upstairs with Wavy while Brady and the kids went downstairs to “work.” I should clarify, Brady actually worked, haha! These little divas wandered the basement with their pencils and tape measures and dollies and paint rollers, haha! Safety first, right guys?
Meanwhile, Brady sealed off the longest wall with plastic! Only one more smaller wall left before thats DONE! A few other little things left before we can start on drywall! SO ready!

I also recently registered for another craft retreat this spring, so I’m already SUPER looking forward to that!
February brings our anniversary! A long time ago, we decided to go somewhere hot for this anniversary, but it just wasn’t in the cards, and thats ok 😊 I think we’ll try to plan a date at least, and maaaybe even get away for a night in March when Marianas Trench comes to Regina!
I think you’re all officially caught up on everything that’s even remotely going on around here! Any questions? Anything you want to know about or want to see on here? I’m trying to actually plan intentional posts for February so if you want to see something specifically, speak now!