Laundry Yay!

Guys. Our new laundry machines are finally here, and I am a very happy lady! Let’s talk about what we did have. A recap.

To be clear – I don’t care that they’re old. Not at all. I care that they WORK! And they don’t.

Our washer was not my favorite thing. It was front load, so I felt like things fell out as I tried to put them in. Not a fan. It also felt really small, though it said it had extra large capacity. Nope nope nope. And it had started to error a lot, where loads spun for literal hours, or it “clogged” and needed to be unplugged. It was fine. But it was frustrating. 

Our dryer was also not my favorite. It was fine, and I liked it longer than I liked the washer. But it had many times where it ran an entire cycle and nothing was dry. It seemed like we could fairly easily replace the element and call it a day, but since it was clearly time to replace the washer, we decided to go for it and replace both.

So we diiiiiiid!! 

No, I didn’t wait to tidy it up to take a picture, haha! And thats ok! They’re pretty no matter what!

Hague Hardware worked with us in finding machines that fit what we were looking for! Even though I think it rubbed the salesman a liiiiittle bit the wrong way, we chose two that were different brands, and slightly different colors. In our minds, they were perfect, and the colors were close enough, but I know it was a tough pill to swallow for the guy helping us, haha! 

Our stipulations were that they needed to be large capacity, both with wifi, and roughly in the same color family. Wifi seems like overkill, I know. Its super handy, though, having the machines in kind of a funny spot in the house, we never hear them. So this way, they will tell my phone when they’re done! Wifi capable dryers are harder to come by, and that is totally fine, but Brady and I both felt it would be extra convenient and helpful to us if we had those notifications from both machines. 

We chose the washer first, and it only came in the dark grey color, so we needed to find a dark grey wifi-capable dryer. That didn’t exist in the same brand, so we ventured out, and found a dark grey wifi-capable dryer. Large capacity machines. I am THRILLED.

Oh the things that make me excited now that I’m an old mom 🤣 But I am very relieved and very grateful to have fresh new machines installed and working, with the old ones hauled away and disposed of.