Bah! I know its tomorrow, but I haven’t slept, so its today, right?

Take my absence on here as an indiction of how wonderful today has been for me 😀 I spent the morning with my kids, the afternoon with my mom, and the evening with my hubs and the always-lovely Jerilee. I am filled with joy from the days events, and feel like my incredibly early night last night will counteract this later-than-usual night for me. I feel optimistic for the rest of this week to go smoothly, where I will play with my kids a LOT, do laundry and pack up eventually, and then head out on Friday.

I’m feeling positive, and refreshed. I needed some refreshing, and I thought this weekend would be that for me. I have no doubt that a weekend away will be lovely, with the full nights sleep and the hands-free time, I’m happy to have found some reprieve here at home, in my natural environment. I think its important for everyone to have stuff to look forward to, and even away time, but I don’t always want to feel like I will only find relief in “getting away.” I want to find a new way, and today was that for me. Surrounding yourself with positive people that you love sure helps a lot.

What a lovely day. I’m so grateful for my family and friends.