Brady was home last week, if you had missed it. We began the week with nothing on our plate, and WOW! That week was unceasingly busy! Hahaha! It was kind of great, because Brady feels a little crazy when unproductive. And he did TONS last week!
This week is another week of Brady being home, and he kicked the week of yesterday by getting a cold!! Poor boy. He’s already a little off his game. He may have accidentally drank my coffee instead of his own…

This morning, we sat down together and looked at the calendar and sure enough, the week was pretty open! In the last two hours, we’ve already added a few things to it, and I’m sure that will continue to happen. I hope that Brady gets a bit more of a restful week, however, so he can recover from his cold and keep on keeping on!
So wish us all luck! Last night was one of those special ones where I woke up in the middle of the night to my husband mouth breathing directly into my face from mere inches away, sooooo its possible I’m not far behind in the business of colds. And with the kids not having school tomorrow (weird, right?) we all have the pleasure of being trapped inside all day together, stewing in each others sickness. Does it have to be SO cold tomorrow?? Yikes yikes yikes!