Laela is officially in kindergarten!!
I wish my little posed picture of all four of them turned out a bit clearer, but alas, its still terribly cute. Look at Laela’s face! She is SO amped! I took a few special little times with Laela this morning to see how she was really feeling, and as far as I could tell, she had no nerves whatsoever!! I figured we’d see what happened when we got to school, though. You never know, right?
Today wasn’t probably the ideal day for a first day of school. Rather than a regular morning schedule, the school put on a pancake breakfast to welcome everyone into the school year. Its a super fun morning event every year, but for Laela’s first day, I kind of wish we could’ve gotten in through her boot room, put her shoes in their spot, walked her the right way to her classroom, etc. But hey, there will be LOTS of mornings to walk her through that routine! This morning was just a different. Instead of walking, we drove, and walked from the van to the front doors.
We piled into the gym and loaded up a couple plates of food for the kids, found a spot on the floor, and ate breakfast. It was cute and chaotic. Laela was still completely on fire, thrilled to be there! She found out her teacher was at the juice table and actually went over and gave her a hug.
I got her into her classroom, helped her find where to hang her coat and backpack, and got her settled at her spot at a table. No nerves, still!
She was sitting across from a girl she knew from preschool, which she was happy about. The girls started playing with some blocks together, and that was it. She was good. She was ready. I gave her a hug and a kiss and whispered if she was ok. She responded with a loud “Yup!” and didn’t even look at me. It was perfect.
Brady traded me out and gave her a kiss goodbye while I waited with the boys. When the bell rang and school was about to start, I waved at her from the door. She waved back at me with a huge smile plastered across her face. I tried to ask “Are you good?” but she was already busy with something else.
She was settled.
I’m SO happy for her!!!
I’ll be back tomorrow, as usual, to tell you how the day went. I don’t anticipate a problem 😉
Have a happy Friday, friends!!