No word of a lie, my current job is to make a photo post out of the 560 pictures taken today. Ya, I’m really not kidding. Five hundred and sixty pictures. So I’m sorry in advance if there are two hundred pictures on this post, but we really had the very best day. We hit up the zoo with my mom, Willa, and Jerilee, then grabbed drive-thru lunch, got the kids home for a nap, and then my parents came over for supper, cake, and presents. And everything was just awesome. The kids weren’t upset with the chilly weather, but revelled in having most of the zoo to themselves. They were wired and stayed awake the whole drive home, and then napped hard upon arrival. They both loved the food, and the cake, and Laela really took to her gifts. They are now down to sleep after much talking and playing in their room. I can safely say that Brady and I are wiped out, but it was an incredible day!!! I have not a single complaint. So. Let me see what I can do for pictures on here. There are just too many to make it all into one post. I’m only going to post zoo pictures today. I promise, it will still be way too many. But it was truly awesome!
Thank you, WordPress, for mixing up all of my pictures in an unfixable fashion. Eat my shorts.

Baby kisses <3
Yes, she is an album cover.
This was about when we discovered she was eating mysterious berries squished on the sidewalk.
So unfortunately there is no rhyme or reason to the pictures, so much so that I didn’t even caption many at all. But it was a wonderfully loaded day and this about sums it up. Laela (and Dekker) were surrounded by people who love them sooo much, and they knew it. Best. Zoo day. Ever.
Anyone wanna go again tomorrow?
It was a lovely and happy day. Hmmmmmmm ….peaceful. Thank you Jesus! Love you my dear.
Love you too 🙂 I loved today. Rich in love.
Oh what a wonderful gift Laela gave me for her birthday! That was just a joyful blessing time with all of you. Overflowing heart.
I think we all felt pretty rich in love that day 🙂 we were so thrilled you could join us!