Yesterday morning was spent out in the garage, pricing some things for our garage sale! (Did I tell you guys we’re having a garage sale?? PLEASE come buy our stuff so we don’t have to keep it! A cute little orange kids couch, a great quality jumparoo, some wall hangings, and ikea lanterns are on the chopping block with many other things!)

Oh, and an old kneeling office chair, haha!
While we worked, the kids biked on the street, played with the rocks in our driveway, etc. Laela’s bike had the chain guard thing break off for the umpteenth time (Anyone have Laela and Dekker sized bikes going at their garage sale?) so rather than biking, she had resorted to chasing Rowan on his balance bike for all she was worth. They were both having a blast The kids are so funny. They go outside, put their helmets on, and abandon biking within the first couple of minutes. Yet they keep their helmets on! Haha! Like they have to wear helmets when they’re outside, haha! I get a kick out of it.
Cher had joined us for coffee and sorting, so us three adults were chatting when Laela showed up. She was walking across our driveway, and as soon as she was in view, it was clear something was wrong. Her face was dark. Brady ran over to her and scooped her up. She was crying, but she wasn’t panicked.
He brought her over to where Cher and I were sitting in lawn chairs next to a space heater (#wimps) and put Laela on my lap. I snuggled her and checked her over the best I could in the moment.
For the most part, she was pretty ok. She had fallen hard on her knee, so that was scraped and bloody. Hands were a bit scraped up, too. But her cheek! Ack! That thing had been through it! I’m SO thankful for her quick catch, for the helmet she was wearing, and for God’s protection, because aaany further and she couldn’t hurt her eye!! According to her story, she fell running about halfway up our street, and walked all the way back home on her own!! It wasn’t such a windy day at all. If she had screamed, we would’ve heard! She was SO brave!!!
When we brought her inside to clean her up, I asked to take a picture of her gash. And of course, she smiled for it

How is she SO beautiful, even with road rash?!
Something small, but special to me is getting to clean my kids up after they get hurt. They like it too, actually. I always take the broken kid up to my en suite, put them on my spinning makeup chair, and clean them up suuuper slowly, just the two of us. Laela was almost bouncing, and beat me upstairs to my room. She got herself into my chair. She seemed to get a little nervous as I wet a cloth.
“I hope the water isn’t too hot,” she said. So I told her I’d use cold. Thankfully, none of her gashes were deep, and I could adequately clean everything with just water on a cloth. She expressed a similar worry regarding the polysporin I planned to administer, but I assured her it would basically feel like vaseline, and as soon as that had been proved, she loosened right back up.
I took my time, and we made jokes and visited. At one point, I looked in the mirror and realized how messy and wind blown I was.
“Wow! Look at my hair! Its crazy!” I said. She giggled and confirmed it was, and followed it up with “But you still are SO beautiful, mommy.” Goodness. This girl, though. What am I going to do with her?
Laela flip flopped over the rest of the day whether her knee or her face hurt more. She didn’t care for having her face iced at all. She told me she’d rather it hurt a little more than have to fuss with the ice pack, so thats what she did.
Aaaaand now, this morning, she’s just excited to show her face to her friends, haha! Too bad for her, the redness has gone WAY down.
Great job being SO brave, Laela! I’m SO proud of you!!