The beautiful Miss Laela Hazel turns six today. My heart is filled with joy as I’ve watched her grow and mature over this last year. Six? Psh. She’s basically sixteen now. In the BEST way!

What a years its been! Laela is in full time school, which is SO her style. She loves school. She began grade one with a bang, begging for a reading test. She got to kick off the reading program in level E, which she was SO excited about!! She is so comfortable and confident at school, and I love to see that. I hope she hangs onto her zest for learning forever.
Laela loves to read, color, build, bake, sing, bike, and dance. She loves Sunday school and playing outside, no matter the weather. She is surprisingly agile and athletic, and tends to be a natural at just about anything she tries. She makes life look effortless. She is very soft and loving to her younger siblings, almost maternal. She is a beautiful friend.
I have truly loved this last year of Laela, learning some of her ins and outs and what makes her tick. She is maturing in terms of learning what true gratefulness is, as well as real consideration, and true remorse when she’s done wrong. She is genuine in all the ways, where she’ll stick to her guns when she’s sure she’s right, but she’ll work to understand where she’s not, and tries hard. She is always learning, and it shows. I LOVE her.

Laela! I love you!!! I can’t wait to see what fierce individual you become as you grow up, but I love the exact person you are right now!!
Thank you, Lord, for six years of Laela!!
Such a great read about a beautiful girl!! 💗
Happy Birthday to Laela, we love you!!😍