Our babies are not functioning at 100 these days. Perhaps there’s a little bug, or a cold, or just big days catching up to them. The morsel was really feeling it this evening. Too tired to sleep, it would seem. You get it. Endless crying with closed eyes. Nothing at all would suffice. After rocking, patting, bouncing, shushing, and whatever else wouldn’t work, Laela stepped in. She has trouble heaving the behemoth morsel from the crib, but was insistent on helping out. While I made some rounds of the house, she stood diligently by, patting and shushing, reassuring the morsel that everything was ok. I tried to tap her out a time or two, but she would have none of it. I went downstairs to do a quick task, and from upstairs, Brady texted and said “I think she did it. Laela pulled a Payton.”
So. We have this vTech toy from one of our hospital stays with the morsel that announces itself by saying “Hi! I’m Payton, and I’m a brave police car! I’m here to stop crime!” She sings a lot of ditties, but that phrase in particular makes me laugh really hard, because it sounds like she says “I’m here to stop crying!” Which is very fitting, considering she and I became familiar with one another during a particularly rough hospital stay 😅 Anyway. I told the kids how it sounds to me, and its become something we all giggle about.
And today, this evening, Laela pulled a Payton, because she was there to stop the crying, and she DID!!! Her persistence paid off, and the morsel settled in at last 💜
This girl 🙌

She’s going to be an incredible mom! She tells me she can’t wait. And she has to. And she’s gonna. But man. She has something very special going on 💜 I am SO excited to see what she does in her life! Whatever it is, I know she will be wonderful at it!