My Laela is usually bright and chipper in the morning. She likes school, so weekdays are an easy sell, and she just has a zest for life that is unmatchable.
In winter, the days are shorter, and mornings are darker. Therefore, more often than not, she is still fast asleep when I go to get her in the mornings. She is still friendly and happy, but a bit more zonky.
Add a bit of a cold to it, and she is just downright hilarious.
This morning, at the breakfast table, she told me, and I qote:
“I woke up again tonight in the morning…”

Yup. You heard it here first! She woke up again tonight in the morning. In case you were unsure of when she woke up… As soon as she said it and saw my expression, she put her head in her hands and laughed at herself. It was very funny and VERY cute.