The high point, however, was Laela needing new shoes. Firstly, I had NO idea how different sizes can be from store to store!! When we bought her a little pair of Toms-style flats from Superstore, we were flabbergasted to learn she was wearing size 8! She is definitely on the petite side of things, and size 8 seemed a lot bigger than I expected. And now, suddenly, those shoes are SMALL on her! We can barely muscle them on. She hasn’t complained, but still, we knew we had to get her new shoes. So while we were out today, we took a look around for a new pair.
We found them at Walmart. They had a good selection of flats when we were originally looking for some for her, but had already purchased her the pair from Superstore. I remembered this, so I was hopeful that we’d find something cute. Now to touch on the size issue again, she had grown out of her size 8s, so we grabbed size 9, and they were MASSIVE on her! So were the 8s. The 7s were prefect 🙂 I had picked out a pair for her to try that were white with purple flowers and a velcro strap over top. But she picked these.
And she would not be shaken. Not that I tried very hard, if I’m being honest. These are hilarious, and loud, and they SCREAM “Kimmy Schmidt,” and I would have picked the exact same pair probably at a considerably older age when it would be less socially acceptable to wear such obnoxious shoes. But she loved them, and wore them through the store. We lifted her up to the cashier to pay for them, ripped the tags off, and she was happy.
I’m pretty sure it was more of a treat for me that she needed shoes than it was to her. It was definitely the highlight. Love that little girl.