Brady, Carrie, and I were asked to sing at a local event this morning. A large group of ladies meet up once a week all year long, and the Christmas wrap up is always a big deal. Last year, Carrie and I were asked to sing, and we asked if Brady could come! By then, we were a band – Rule of Three. Remember that? Goodness I miss it… But anyway, this year was no exception, and Brady was welcomed again to join the fray of ladies and help with the music.
It. Had been. A minute!!!

To be up on a stage, with microphones and sound! Playing for people!!! All three of us 💜 We had such a blast! We didn’t even make too many mistakes, not that it would’ve mattered. Our music was very well received, and we were surrounded by love and warmth once the whole thing was over. I think the nicest thing said to me was that having us up front, singing, made everything feel so normal. Like how things used to be. Normalcy restored. That was really nice to hear, because we really really love singing together.
We ate a delicious brunch, and chatted with good people. It was a really lovely morning of fellowship 💜 Meanwhile, Waverly played completely happily downstairs. She was SO ready this morning, hahaha!

We left the church with arms full of instruments, treats, door prizes, and gifts. As the “performers,” we were given a beautiful winter arrangement for our front step.

And here I was, just thinking about how I could make some kind of pretty outdoor green decor! Guys, all we had to do was sing and we got it!! Does that work for other things? Groceries? Phone bills? Houses? 🤔 Still open to ideas on that homefront, by the way…
It was a completely beautiful morning. I hope we have more opportunities to do music in our near future. It felt normal for me, too. I missed it so much. Once a year is NOT enough!
You guys did so great. You ladies of course sounded wonderful… But Brady has SUCH a lovely voice. Great to see you all up there. Greatest of all was seeing your mom absolutely lit up with pride watching you!!
I’d love it if you could post your set list, you had lots of great arrangements that I’d love to add into my rotation. (Or you could record everything and I’d listen to that, but I have a feeling that would be more work intensive!) Blessings to you.