
You guys are going to be SO impressed!

Ok. Not actually. But I am, so humour me.

Last night, or rather, this morning, at around 2:30, I needed to get up and administer some Tylenol. Not too big of a deal. Except its a bit more fussy with this particular kid. I struggled with the small medicine bottle, trying to get the ng tipped syringe in there and appropriately filled when the bottle was close to empty. Once I had that pretty well set up, I filled another ng syringe with warm water so flush the meds into the actual morsel.

Bleary eyed, and with two syringes in my hand, I tried to close the sticky, messy little bottle without putting any pressure on the syringe plungers. And, as it happens, the bottle barely closed before it ejected itself from my fingers and spun its way through the air and across the bathroom. Because why not.

But guys. It landed. It landed.

In my tiny little pink bathtub soap dish!!!

I don’t know if it was the late/early hour, or if it was actually SO funny, but I was positively folded over in desperate, quiet laughter when Brady ambled his way into the bathroom to see what the crash was. In between gasps, I recounted the tale of my unlikely basket, and he responded politely, though confused, and made his way back to bed.

Anyway. I still think its funny. And I hope some of you do, too.