Behold 🙌 The smallest, least significant kid updates known to man!
Dekker looks like a teenager these days. Still soft and young but also just so grown up. He is a kindergarten helper again, and he LOVES it. He loves that they all want to wrestle with him and chase him around. I really love his face when I get to see the whole thing 💜 He has great dots. And great eyebrows. And huge eyes. And his skin is still crazy soft.

The girlies are terribly cute. They fight more than ever these days, specifically once they’re both in bed. But the morning is fresh, and it shows 💜 Waverly will unceremoniously flip the lights on, come dive onto Laela, steal her stuffed bunny, Chester, and lay on her. And Laela doesn’t flinch beyond a “Good morning, Wavy.” She just hacks it! Wavy likes to harass her, and Laela takes it like a champ. A very tolerant big sister. In the morning. Lol! They have good love no matter what 💜

The middle boys are doing really, really well these days. Solly has had an awesome shift this school year, but even since Christmas, he is different. He is more awake. Brighter. He reads and tries to write words as they sound. He comprehends better and seems to listen better. He makes jokes and can take them, as well. Its wonderful.
Meanwhile, Rowan is a whole different boy. I want to talk more about that soon. This morning, he dropped a bowl in the kitchen, and it broke. And he cried. He didn’t scream or panic, but he cried. I hugged him. He apologized. I reassured him over and over, but he was reeling. So I told him I forgave him. He grabbed my face and smooched me, and we moved on. Not long ago, that would have destroyed him, and his entire morning. And frankly, everyone else’s morning. But he was able to be soft, and sort his emotions out rather than just being angry. He is entirely different. Its hard to do a Reader’s Digest edition on Rowan. He needs more. But we’ll do that soon.

We had a pretty peaceful morning, save for the one snag with the bowl. The kids got the garbage out on their way to school. It is SO full from Christmas catch-up. SO heavy. I liked the teamwork though 💜
I sure love these kids. Thank you, Lord, for making me their mom.