However, I’m VERY gun shy to buy more. I’ve been wanting a grey pair for a couple of years, no lie, but haven’t bit the bullet, because its a lot of money!! But recently, I discovered PURPLE ones! I instantly wanted them. But that seemed pretty impulsive, so I talked myself out of it. However, I quickly realized that they would be a totally practical purchase for me! (Stay with me here.) Most of my sweaters, hoodies, tunics, etc. are grey or black. I could definitely wear black with grey leggings, but grey on grey is slightly less…acceptable? Its considerably more like a sweatsuit. You know what I mean. Sure, I have sweater or two that will NOT go with purple leggings, but the majority of them would go very well with purple!! Woot!
Upon this discovery, I set out to find some. I’ll spare you all of the details but I actually jumped through a few hoops to get them, but in the end, I have a beautiful pair in my hands!
They are unreasonably comfortable! They are actually better than what I was considering ordering online. They are cotton, rather than luon. I’m totally happy with luon, my other pairs are luon, but these are softer.
I had already been in the city once today, but I drove in a second time to bring them in for hemming. They are now living at Lulu, and I miss them a little. I combatted my emotions by ducking into the mall and spending the last shred of my birthday money. I think I need to do a separate post on all of the fun purchases I’ve made recently, but for today, its just the pants 🙂 Any interest in that?
Now we save our pretty new leggings to anticipate fall, and put a positive spin on the cold weather to come.