Rowan has picked up one of Laela’s games, where she just plunks herself down somewhere and asked him to bring her all kinds of things. But they’re very specific things that he has to hunt for. So Ro tried this with Solly this morning, and it was SO FUNNY! He would spout of some vague description of one of our infinite number of Hot Wheels cars, and Solly would diligently toddle over to the ottoman, grab a stuffed toy off the top, and present it to a frustrated Rowan.
Over. And over. And over again.
It was amazing.
Rowan took to the comfort of his toy phone, in true teenager style. Though he lamented that the menu button didn’t work anymore.
He lived, and they played well. They’d sneak off to one of the bedrooms and I’d find them looking down heat registers with flashlights. They’d have “sleepovers” in the pantry. They’d race cars across the living room. The list went on. It was so fun to watch them learn to play together! I realized at one point that these two boys are two and three. I’m supposed to hate these ages, right?? Sure, they have their moments, but truly, today the best word for them is FUN!!!
Eventually little miss sleepy face woke up and joined us.
She lay on the floor and flapped for a while, but it wasn’t long before she was wailing for milk and her bed. Such a short little visit with her, but I’ll take what I can get!
These days with just the young ones are so special! With where Rowan’s birthday falls, he’s actually going to be home for another two years before he can enter kindergarten! So these kids will be in my view for a good stretch of time still! I’m so thankful for that.