
The LAST day of June is upon us! Its been a productive, rainy, lovely month with my family. Of course no day is perfect, but I am really grateful for our time at home together. We very likely will never have another stretch of life like this, and donโ€™t get me wrong. I am hopeful and grateful for that likelihood too! But I so enjoy being home all together for now ๐Ÿ™‚

This month, we finished up our topsoil. We started Science Saturday. We got our robot vacuum, Meryl Sweep, and a new big electric griddle. We set up our fire pit and a backyard pool. We had some of the most beautiful skies and welcomed Summer. It was a lovely month! 

July brings yet more fun busyness for us! Likely another project or two, but Iโ€™m not going to talk about them until I know for sure ๐Ÿ˜‰ A few birthdays – one Iโ€™m not ready for in the slightest. We have a weekend at a cabin coming up, and some special dates to get the kids to and from. Brady has a job scheduled this month, so we thank God for the that as we anxiously wait for his work to fully restore. And most importantly, we have a LOT of biking, walking, trampoline jumping, freezie eating, burger barbecuing, bubble blowing, and music playing to be done! What does July hold for you?