I know we’re not the first, but its worth recording that Brady officially got word that his work is done for the foreseeable future. That sounds SO daunting, but thats how they worded it. I supposed “rescheduled” is a more accurate description, but it has yet to actually be put back on the calendar. It will resurface eventually, but for now, all of his scheduling is postponed until further notice.
April was going to be a beautifully lucrative month, and to see that pushed back with no prospective dates in mind is a bit ominous. But, health wins. I feel surprisingly peaceful about it. I might feel differently tomorrow, but today, I feel ok.
I feel thankful that we have some money in the bank and a nice chunk invoiced out that will keep us afloat for a little bit. If this happened six months ago, we would be in TROUBLE. Praise the Lord for catching us up a little before this all hit. I feel thankful that EI exists, and grateful that this will be a first for us. How fortunate we are. I’m thankful for everyone around us, who have lovingly kept us in mind and offered to drop off groceries, activities, etc.
This is new territory for all of us, but I love that Brady will be home. That removes SO MUCH of the risk of us getting sick, or passing on sickness we may carry unknowingly. It also means my husband is home to hang out with us!!! Woot!! I’m a big fan of him, and we work pretty well together.

We just received a load of lumber in our garage so Brady can build us some furnace room shelving. Yay! And hey, if the quarantine lasts long enough, maybe we can get a fence up, too!
See me finding positives?? Lord protect us!