Jerilee Saves the Day

I’m not sure, but today felt harder than usual with the kids. I have compassion for them, as I can tell they’re still struggling hard to figure this whole thing out. We’re all struggling to a degree, but the kids are less capable of expressing it, and they know less in the way of coping mechanisms. In a lot of ways, they are taking everything like complete rockstars. But in other ways, we’re grasping at straws. The days are long.

Thankfully, Jerilee came for the evening!!! She fits into our family SO well. When I headed into the kitchen to get some supper together, she sat on the floor and played with the kids. I heard her countless times call the kids back to her, keeping them away from the kitchen in order to give me a break. She would gently shush them when they would get super duper loud, and she entertained them and managed to visit with me at the same time. I love you, Jerilee. Thank you for coming into our home and loving my kids so well, even when we’re all basketcases.

I prepared the not-so-gourmet supper of pizza buns, and I’ve got to say, they were incredibly delicious! They are the old fashioned, more camp style kind, with the mix of pepperoni and cheese and sauce all stirred up and plopped on top, and just broiled enough to melt and not fall apart. They were SO good! The kids went back and forth between not liking them and then suddenly loving them. I think they were mostly hesitant because they were new, but they were yummy! Just a bit messy, which isn’t popular for them. But Jerilee, Brady, and I thought they were super yummy, so win!!

The kids went to bed at their normal time, which is always hard for them when we have company, but they were just not doing well 🙁 It had to be done. And then Brady drove for coffee, came home, and we all watched – you guessed it – The Bachelor!! It was SO relaxing, and comfy in our theatre room! It felt really nice to just wind down and watch some tv with a friend. I hope we can do that much much more often now that we live closer.

Now, to sleep. Even when I’m sleeping decently well these days, my eyes are permanently rimmed red, and I am COVERED in zits. One day I WILL catch up, but likely not for quite some time. And thats ok. We are in one of the busiest times of life right now, and there isn’t a slowing down point in sight! Good thing sooooo much is positive!! 😀