At the end of the day yesterday, the house was an absolute MESS. I think we all expect that after a move of that magnitude, but I’m sure people can also relate to the overwhelm that comes along with it. So while I was completely unbelievably grateful, I was exhausted just thinking about all that was still to do.
I won’t sugarcoat it. It felt very daunting. Not only do we need to put our things away where they go, but there is still work that needs doing before there is a place for all of our things. A big change is that our new place doesn’t have a pantry, and we really rely on ours. We buy everything in bulk, and have many large appliances that we use regularly. And now we have all these big things and nowhere to put them. We have some wardrobes that are doubling as a pantry for now, but they need more shelves before they’ll be truly effective, so there are many boxes and bins of food and products that are waiting for a home. Meanwhile, fridges are floating rogue throughout the area, as cabinets need to be changed before new appliances can be installed. Its a whole thing in that kitchen area. Whew! Just thinking about it ages me, lol!
If I can direct my eyes away from the nightmare that is the kitchen floor right now, I can vouch that things are starting to come together! 💜 Kids are settling into their rooms really nicely. Brady and I switched just about everything around in our room this evening to see if it flows better this way. I think it will. Bathrooms all found their toothbrushes and soap. I did laundry. Brady did dishes. We began combing through boxes and tubs in search of our daily things, and found much of what we were looking for. It was productive, for sure!
My current favorite area of the house is in our living room 💜

The living room is not without boxes on the floor and barstools floating as makeshift end tables, but it is also cozy with every chair and couch in its place, as well as a piano tucked perfectly, and a beautifully filled bookshelf. We are home, and this space highlights that to me.
Tomorrow, reality strikes, and the kids go back to school. A few of them anyway. Hopefully its another productive day, and that I can find my way even more so in our new home. I’d love to keep getting things making sense in the kitchen. There are linen closets to fill, also. A craft cabinet to stock. And let’s be real. There are also granola bars to make, and other food to prep. But I’m going to wait on that stuff. Time to work on what does exist here without making anything new, hahaha!
Ok. I’m WAY too tired for blogging. Tomorrow is another day. I’ll keep trying 😅