Its been a while since I crocheted good and proper!! I did pump out a baby blanket the other week when our Spoonful was getting ready to leave, but beyond that, I’ve been busy with other things! And really, I still am busy with other things! But its really really nice to crochet. I’ve missed it. And these days of being snowed in have motivated me to get back into it! So I have!
I began crocheting a blanket I plan to donate to the camp for an auction they do each summer. I was asked to donate an item last year, and I hadn’t even really considered that before! So I plan to do the same thing this coming summer! It’s a small way I can contribute anyway.
As of yesterday, I was half done the main body of the blanket, and guys, its turning out really nicely!

Untiiiiil I got into the next section and my count was off!! Since I clearly improvised the “Kinasao” section, and had multiple colours going at once (which, in this method, is a lot trickier than it sounds) I somehow lost a stitch or two. I went to dig back and find my error and found it in the FIRST row of that section!! I went about starting the process of pulling out 15 ish rows, but that colour I used for the Kinasao does not pull out nicely, and snagged and snagged and snagged. So rather, I gave up on the section altogether.

The upside is that there were a few things I wasn’t happy with about how it had turned out the first time, and now, I have the chance to redo them. I didn’t like the trees beside the word. I didn’t like that colour scheme. I had crocheted it a bit too tight. It just wasn’t right.
And soon, it will be. Except that I’m likely out of time for that today, and our life is about to pick up right away here! March is going to be one heck of a month!! But hopefully in between the mountains of change and work, there will be intentional downtime here and there. And then 🙌 I will crochet.