Thats what Rowan said the moment the tree was up and fully decorated. And really, he’s not wrong.

Wavy slept through decorating, but that was ok this time around. She was SO tired at church, and slept for about four hours this afternoon. It would’ve been crazy to wake her for an event she couldn’t even really participate in. But the other kids really enjoyed it.

These kids also enjoyed it, but mostly just watching it happen 😏

Aaaaand we even weaseled this kid into helping!

Our kids have some special hand painted decorations from my mom that we always hang right at the top of the tree. They’re beautiful and the kids value them very much. They handled them so carefully for their pictures to be taken. Waverly woke up in time to hold hers. She was maybe slightly less gentle and aware 😆 but she’s ultra cute so its ok.

It was a really, really nice afternoon getting our tree all done up. Did I tell you guys we set out the rest of our decor the other day? I think I didn’t. We have our little trees above the cabinets, the lights strung on our railings, and the wreath on the door. We are SO festive over here!

This is about as put together as we get these days, but I sure wouldn’t trade this gig for any other.