ISO: Three Unrelated Pursuits

Alright, guys. I’m on the hunt for three totally unrelated things, and none of them are cut and dry. So I need some input. Or, at the very least, a place to lay it all out. I guess that’s here.

Thing number one. I really want some patio stones for the lake. Our spot isn’t especially green, but more gravel. This kind.

Which is great for a lot of things! I don’t mind not having to worry as much about bugs (ticks) or cutting grass, etc. This is also able to be levelled and tweaked as time goes by. However, as that time does go by, I would love the evenness and aesthetic of having it done with patio stone. Not only would it be pretty, but it wouldn’t get mucky the same way, and would be easier for Brady to move freely. However. The area we’d like to cover is about 300 sqft, and unfortunately, even with a bit of a discount on those types of products, c/o Brady’s job, its still more than we want to spend for our campsite!

So here’s the quandary. We could…

a) leave it another year, because who cares?

b) bite the bullet and pay more than you’d prefer.

c) use sidewalk blocks, because they’re the best value, though will take more work to keep level.

d) buy mismatched cast offs through marketplace and let it be more like that.

I’m not sure any of these options are nice, but, I welcome input! Thats question one!

Thing number two is a climbing dome. I really don’t want a play structure, but I’ve always been drawn to the climbing domes. As my kids get older, it probably has less of a draw, but I also think it would be fun to tarp it off for backyard sleepovers, or for snow forts. I guess my question is whether or not any of you have had climbing domes or towers, and if so, were they something everyone got bored with quickly, or was there always a fun way to use it. Any tips? Is that what I should spend our free Costco money on? Or is it better to save it for a new washer, which I do not need but desperately want. #ihateyoufrontloadwasher What do you guys think? Climbing dome yay or nay?

Thing three! I have this funny list of things that would be an absolute dream to have in our home one day. On that list, I have both a CNC and a 3D printer. Neither is really a necessity in any stretch of the imagination, so they are just sitting on that list, which I have been totally at peace with. They would be so cool to have, but really, they’d be more for fun than function.

Except that I’m starting to come across some ideas of items that I positively cannot find, but I have found templates and such for either printing them on a 3D printer or cutting them on a CNC. And I’m kind of intrigued by that possibility of being able to make some things myself that I can’t find elsewhere, and maybe eventually sell them to others. So, with this, I’m wondering which would be best. My gut says a 3D printer is more affordable, and most of what I’m picturing making is plastic. Is it worth it with the cost of filament? I don’t know how far that goes. A CNC would be fun to Brady, also, but can it cut plastic? Or other materials beyond wood? Its a lot more expensive. I don’t know. Does anyone have one of these, or better yet, both?? I’d welcome your impressions!

Ok. Whew. Those are my thoughts. And they are just that. Thoughts. Not plans. Or even goals. Just, thinking thoughts. Dreaming a little. I’m curious.