We had a great night last night. I was exhausted and was dozing off around 9:30 and was out before 10:00! Rowan woke up at 1:00am and 5:00am, which are nice long stretches for us, especially when we’ve already gotten three hours of sleep before the first wake! He woke for the day at 8:00am, and he and i watched a bit of Friends before getting the others up for the day. Dekker and Laela were wonderful over breakfast. They ate tons. Dekker was so charming, telling me that I look “fablious” and that I have good manners 😉 He rocked his manners like a champ as well! Once Dekker was done, Laela held out her bowl at me. I went to take it and asked if she was done. She had it in a death grip, though, and shook her head. Confused, I asked if she wanted more cereal, and she nodded her head like mad. “Ya!” So Laela had her third bowl of cereal before she was finally finished. These kids are crazy.
Both big kids were incredibly pleasant after breakfast as well, and played really well. There was only one small spat between the two older ones. Laela poked Dekker with a toy hotdog bun and he tattled “Laela punched me in the wiener!” I may or may not have laughed hysterically. Dekker took incredibly well to any correction I gave him, replying with an “ok” or “yes mom” each time rather than his usual arched back and grunt. Both he and Laela couldn’t keep themselves away from Rowan either. Whether he liked it or not, he was included in every game.
Ok, I did save him from the games once or twice so he could rest.
Dekker told me “I take good care of Rowan” when I went up to make him a bottle. When I got back downstairs, I was informed that he would be feeding Rowan his lunch rather than me. And I’ve gotta say, I did almost nothing in the process of Dekker completely successfully feeding Rowan his bottle!!! It was so adorable! My little fireman feeding his baby.
As we neared nap time, Rowan was starting to get a bit twitchy laying on his playmat. Instead of picking him up immediately, I figured I’d try him out on tummy time. We don’t do much tummy time in our house, because we hold our kids a lot and they get lots of neck exercise (necsercise?) that way. I figured, he was already upset, so this would either upset him more or give him a change of scenery. And no word of a lie, you guys, he LOVED it!! He lifted his head a decent amount but when he was tuckered out, he still switched from side to side a bunch, all on his own. No one wants a flat head! Dekker was insistent on being all snuggled up against him, and at one point, I heard him say “Rowans my friend.” I could have cried. He snuggled closer and said “My friend wants a kiss.” Rowan is Dekkers first ever officially proclaimed friend, and who better than a sibling?
Look at these next ones as a progression 🙂 Just taken seconds apart.
Finally, Rowan lifting up his head to see his brother more clearly.
So its just mid-afternoon, and I’m feeling so good. I’m feeling really positive about my family, and hopeful about my house. I feel like I’m progressing well with my physical health, and I feel rested and caught up. I’ll top it off with some singing tonight and hopefully days like these keep coming!!