I have to laugh. So often, when people pop in, they greet the kids and ask “Is it pajama day? Because my kids are virtually always in pajamas. Come on, people. Every day is pajama day over here. People who spend regular time here have come to know that, and their kids will come in jammies as well. I love that, lol! You can view it as lazy if you want, but we view it as comfy, and I view you as jealous, lol!
Anyway. Saturday at home still feels foreign. We’ve been home from the lake for a while now, obviously, but it was our usual for so long to wake up there rather than here. So Saturday jammie days are really fun 💜 A newfound novelty, I suppose.
This Saturday was full of onesies…

And one kid still missing his summer look 😆

It was a day of lego and music and crafts and costumes. And crocheting, of course.

Saturdays without Brady are something to adjust to after being so fortunate to have him home with us for so long 💜 But I know we have it much easier than many others in terms of schedule, so we are incredibly grateful.