So I’m just going to put this out there, because I really like blogging every day! Of course, there are days where I’d love to not have to think about it, but a very literal 99.9% of the time, I solidly enjoy it! But I wonder sometimes if the daily-ness bores people. I know that my days aren’t always exciting. Like, today, for instance. I did laundry. The kids played. They were cute, and only little punks once in a while. That about sums up my day. I mean, I could talk about the stages they’re in, and how the bounce off of each other in a big and sometimes very bad way. Dekker is mean to Laela, so Dekker gets a time out, and when he goes at apologize, she clocks him, so she gets in trouble next. Over and over again. Its somewhat entertaining, of course, but its kind of my everyday life.
I also wonder if people struggle to keep up. I watch vloggers on YouTube, and I follow quite a few. However, they all got into daily vlogging a while back and I just couldn’t keep up with them all! I follow two daily vlogging families as opposed to the unknown number I used to follow. Would this be more entertaining if it weren’t every day?
My last question about this whole blogging/vlogging/recording of my life is this: Would anyone prefer video blogs? As in, watching a video on YouTube rather than reading words on a white screen? I’m just curious. That DEFINITELY wouldn’t be daily, as I’m pretty sure thats a ton more work than this is. But I’d consider it if enough people were interested.
Basically, I want to know if things need to change around here. I’m still really happy doing what I’m doing, but I know I have plenty of boring days where I sit in front of this screen wondering what to write about. If I’m bored by my days, I can’t imagine you guys are very entertained. Yes, I do write this all mostly for me, but I like you guys too!! Please let me in on what you’d prefer. I’d love a bit of feedback on this 😀
my vote… keep blogging….. your real life touches people in more ways than you can imagine. Love you so much!
Thanks so much mom <3 I just worry that I bore people, but its seeming on Facebook like its still a go!
I have your blog bookmarked and read when I can. There are a few blogs I really like and nothing is worse than going to the site and finding that there haven’t been new posts in ages. I love that there will always be something new to read on your site because you update daily!
Vlogging sounds fun- I know you’ve mentioned you’re into makeup, I’d love to see makeup tutorials as a vlog because I always think you have really cool, stylish looking makeup!
Anyway, I personally think as long as you’re enjoying it, you totally should keep going. 🙂
Thanks for reading as often as you do 🙂 I always feel extra special when people read who don’t just see it on fb, but remember to read anyway. I do enjoy it still, very much. It’s nice to know that lots of the readers feel the same 🙂 as for vlogging makeup stuff, I’d have to get waaay better first! But thanks for the compliment 🙂 nice to know I don’t flop my makeup each time!