Dekker wasn’t particularly social and kind of lost it a time or two so unfortunately, he had to go down for a nap even though he had friends over. While all three of my kids slept, the rest of us hung out downstairs and tried to stay cool. When Kims youngest pooped all over himself, I opted to throw a load of laundry in. As that was happening, I heard Kim scream. I ran out and saw her pointing to an ENORMOUS bee/wasp/scary thing buzzing around one of our windows.
Now before we get all controversial and talk about how bees save the world and you shouldn’t kill them, we needed to kill this one. Haters be hatin’, but they hate SILENTLY! Deal? Deal.
Both Kim and I usually petition our husbands to handle such circumstances, but it was just the two of us, and the boys we had with us weren’t big and strong enough. So I booked it upstairs and brought down a margarine container with the intention to trap it. But I got too scared about what I would do if it escaped while I tried to close the lid. So I went back upstairs and grabbed, yes, a sandal. By that time though, the bee the size of my head had disappeared. So we waited on pins and needles until suddenly Kim screamed again and pointed over to its enormous flying body. I grabbed a stool and stood nearby trying to work up the courage. Guys, it took a while. I waited and squealed and jumped off the stool and got back on and definitely woke my napping kids, but when the courage came, I screamed like a girl (naturally) and wailed on that thing. I have no idea if I got it first try, as it flew up when I lifted my shoe in a somewhat aggressive motion that I’m sure you can picture. I then proceeded to beat the living daylights out of it and scoops its obviously dead and dismembered remains into the margarine container, close it, and THEN breathe a sigh of relief. It was then that Kim finished my sentence for the first time.
Me: Oh….
Kim: M G!!!
Kim, where have you been all my life??
So we survived and probably placed the fear of God into her kids when it comes to bees, but we recovered the situation with the yummy Boom Chicka Pop popcorn from Costco and VeggieTales.
It was sad when the day wrapped up and they left for home, but we had a good time. The two littlest ones bonded today.
Her little chunker is also pretty much adorable on his own 😉

I had made ham in the crock pot all day but no one was very hungry in the heat at all. So we had more so snacky foods for supper. Then we tidied toys and proceeded to have the BIGGEST ticklefest ever!!! I personally attacked Dekker the other night and tickled him for probably a solid ten minutes. He’s big enough now that I can rough him up a little bit, so I practically lie on top of him and just bite on him. He HOWLS with laughter and grabs at my face and tries to tickle me back. Tonight, he was anticipating this, and hey, it got him into his room without any fight! Or I suppose the tickle fight 😉 Anyway, as I was personally attacking him with tickles, I felt the little Miss jump onto my back as well. Two against one. I fought hard, and eventually Dekker said “no thanks” amidst his laughter that was dying down. I released my prisoner to get some water, and Laela lay down in his spot, and made her tickle sound. “Ligga ligga?” she asked?
So I attacked her a bit more gently but with the same hysterical reaction. She was SO sad when it was time to go to bed. But it was a fabulous bedtime, with lots of tickles and cuddles and kisses and just general craziness.
SUCH a good day, SUCH a good evening, and now hopefully, a cool bath and a coffee. I’ve had a great week, truly, but a weekend will be really nice too. Some nice relaxed days before the week begins again!
**PS: I dont have pictures of tonight ticklefest but this is Dekker after yesterdays. See the sweat all built up under his eyes and on his cheeks? It looks like he’s been crying, but I promise he wasn’t.
I love my kids. And Kims kids. SUCH a great day <3