Interior Walls, You Say?

After naps this afternoon, we headed out to run some errands as a family. Just quick ones. A quick stop in at Superstore, renewing the van insurance, picking up free coffees from McDonalds, and then Costco. I was really really proud of the kids at Costco. They were super adorable and listened really well. We recently learned that Costco gives out free cookies to the little kids at the bakery like Superstore does. When we went over to that area, Dekker waited for the person to come with the tongs, and then asked if he could please have a cookie. She was very happy to oblige, and gave him one. As always, I try to get Laela to ask for herself, just to practice her manners and talking to new people. I picked her up and said “What do you say?” to her, and she smiled all huge and perfect and asked “Tookie please?” So she also got one. And even Rowan did 🙂 It still blows me away that he’s big enough to have his own cookie! Eek! So the kids were cute, and did an awesome job.

We ducked back into the city to grab some fast food supper, and then headed back out to go see our house! I love not calling it “the lot” anymore. “The house” is SO much nicer! And guys, they have been BUSY!!!



This picture shows the whole place-ish. The garage now has walls, which is SUPER exciting!! Side walls and the front wall are up, and there is an inside doorway to our entrance, as well as the door into our backyard. The heap of materials in front of the garage are the roof trusses, which will go up likely on Monday, and then probably our room will get done! Our master suite is above the garage, hence it being the last to arrive.

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This is the best way to show the next part, though it doesn’t really show anything in detail. But we have interior walls!!! We have two kids bedrooms with closets, a main bathroom, and a linen closet framed in.


Aaaaand a pantry, which I am clearly a little bit too excited for 🙂 (Forgive the lack of makeup!! I haven’t worn any since we all got so sick!) I loved having a pantry in our Radisson house. This one won’t be as big, but I don’t care. I am SO excited just to see part of my kitchen framed!

This was easily the best part of our day. The kids were excited to be back at the house, even though they obviously still only get to see it from the van. I can just see the wheels in Dekker’s head turning as we explain to him what will come next and what each part is. I can just tell that he is going to love every part of the building process. He already is. And Laela loves everything that Dekker loves, so she is super into the build as well.

It was good seeing the kids so happy today 🙂 Tomorrow we have a brief afternoon outing planned as well, but otherwise, its going to be a BIG laundry day! Happy Saturday, everyone!