As I sat down to type this, I had a big gross coughing fit, to which Rowan responded “You ok over there, mom?” He followed up his inquiry with bringing a stuffy, in true Rowan style Goodness he’s a tenderheart.
Anywho, as you can imagine, we’re all battling some illness here. Brady went to work feeling hopeful, but came home after just a few short hours. He has reached that frustrating point in his illness where his throat is now just irritated beyond belief, and he’s basically coughing on his own throat. Nothing to actually see or fix in there. Just an angry throat. So he coughs and coughs and coughs. Its very discouraging. He was quite disappointed to have to leave work. That poor boy and his monster work ethic :/
Brady is used to a solid two day cold. Thats how it always was. Hopefully how it will be that way again someday. During covid, no one was allowed to be sick, and all of our immune systems got out of practice. That hasn’t been surprising. Then, chemo took what little of Brady’s immune system that he had left. I do believe it will regenerate over time, but it is certainly not all up to snuff just yet. And thats a hard pill to swallow for him. Amongst all the other pills he has to swallow.
If you’re the praying variety, please say a prayer for us here. For Brady. He is trying to quash an ear infection from the outside while preventing it from worsening from the inside. He is completely under water, with both ears plugged. He is managing an abscess draining, as well as leaky eyes, congestion, and a horrible uncontrollable cough. He is disoriented and frustrated. He has all the drops. All the drugs. All the grace. But he is fed up.
Yet he is still soft and loving and doing all he can to care for his people I’m proud of you, Brady. I’m sorry you couldn’t stay at work. We all love you, and we’re happy to have you home.