I Have a Lot of Questions

I have a lot of questions. I keep wanting to ask them on Facebook, but it would just be SO MANY. So here’s my list! PLEASE comment if you can help! Hahaha! 😆

  1. Where does a person buy yeast?? Has anyone found a secret store somewhere that has any? I don’t NEED any immediately, but I want some so I have the option to make bread and buns when we run out.
  2. Can we apply for CERB if our cheque’s come a month after earned? Can Brady and I BOTH apply if we’re legally business partners? Getting through to anyone on the phone is next to impossible.
  3. What is the best way to grow raspberries? 
  4. What should we put in the section of our front yard between the walkway to the front door and the garage? Just a little space. I was thinking succulents? Or maybe pots…
  5. What is a food-producing tree that is actually pretty? Thinking about maybe the front yard.
  6. Are the national parks closed?
  7. Do you worry about surfaces during the quarantine or more about exposure to people? (Takeout food, mail, parcels, drop offs, etc) Both? I wish we could drop treats off for our friends and neighbours, but I not thats not everyone’s jam.
  8. Any new quarantine music you’re enjoying?
  9. Whats the best way to support your loved ones during this time? 
  10. When do you seed grass? 
  11. What comes first, grass or fence, if we’re aiming to hydro seed? 
  12. Where do you go to buy a butchered pig? We’re not as much “side of beef” people but we love sausage. Does anyone buy a pig? Around here?
  13. How about fresh fish? I wish I fished…
  14. Is there an excellent detangler for kids that doesn’t smell so strongly of fabric softener? What about leave-in conditioner? 

I’m sure there’s more, but these are some of the questions that swirl around in my mind these days. Themed towards Covid and my garden, mostly, lol! Please, help a person out! I want to be so organized when Spring shows up so I can make the most of my time! 


Hey! I make my hair dry angler, I can make you some if you want! I do put essential oils in it which is optional!

Also, can you make a post with the most common answers to these questions! I want to hear!


Thats a good idea! I definitely can do a follow-up blog on the answers 🙂 And I’d love to try your detangler! Yes please!