I Had an Ultrasound Today

I mentioned back on the weekend that I had booked an ultrasound for this week, and that I wasn’t sure when to share about it, whether to wait for the series I post on Saturday, or on the day. I’m not excellent at waiting, and SO much of pregnancy is waiting, so I decided to talk about at least some of it today. Because waiting is the worst. And also because I now have some decisions to make that I wasn’t expecting!

We ran the morning fairly normally. The kids got up, ate breakfast at a snails pace, and got dressed to go. We made decent time, miraculously, and doddled in the van for a few minutes before going in to the ultrasound clinic. The last time we took all of the kids into an ultrasound was when I was at the halfway point with Solly. It was at a different clinic, and the kids had done fine. We hadn’t brought anyone more than Solly since then, and just hoped they’d be low maintenance during the scan. At least we were back at our usual place, where each little exam room has a toy corner! Woot!

The kids waited very patiently in the waiting room, and it wasn’t too long before we were called in. We see the same tech every time we go in, which is good. At first, it was a bit strange, because she was very quiet and nervous, it seemed. She saw us a lot during the time that we suffered our miscarriage. So. Many. Ultrasounds. And all to confirm that the baby was gone, rooting for the baby to be gone. It was such a hard time. I knew she was nervous when she first saw us with this pregnancy. We all so badly wanted it to be a positive experience. The more we’ve seen her, she’s loosened up and gotten to know us a bit better 🙂 We like her a lot.

She was very relaxed, even with the crew of children we brought along with us. She asked if everything was going well so far with the pregnancy, and we got right to the scan. As soon as I lifted my shirt up for her to scan my tummy, she commented on how I had grown a little. I can TOTALLY HONESTLY say it warmed my heart. I laughed and said “I hope its all baby in there!”

And sure enough, there was indeed a baby in there 🙂 I cried. Guys, a WHOLE BABY is in there! Two hands, two arms, two legs, two feet, with a big ole head, a little bum, and a beautiful heart, beating confidently 161 times per minute. The baby was tucked a little funny, and the tech had me go pee, but asked me to leave some in there. Guys. Have you ever tried to do that? Its hard! Haha! But I could, so YAY!, for Hailey’s awesome pelvic floor and bladder control! 🙌 I came back feeling much more comfortable, and she gave us a whole other tour of the baby, picking out which legs bones were which, which hand was where, and BEST of all, we got to watch our baby move around! Baby bounced with their feet, and wiggled their hands around lots! It was amazing, and mesmerizing, and brought my heart so much joy. Of course, she couldn’t tell me anything in great detail, but as far as I could tell, it seemed complication-free.

The one thing I did learn that was actually pretty awesome was that the baby was measuring big! Now back in the day, at my first ultrasound, according to my dates, I should have been 5 weeks 5 days, but baby was only measuring 5 weeks exactly. I was sure my baby had actually stopped growing and we just didn’t know it yet. Then about a week and a half later, at a follow up ultrasound, baby was following those dates, just short one day at 6 weeks 3 days. So we went with that date. Well today, based on those dates, I should be 10 weeks 4 days, but instead, baby measured 11 weeks 1 day!!! Lots of numbers to follow, but basically, I’m back to my original dates! I wasn’t terribly worried about dates at this point, but it makes me heart happy that my initial numbers were right 🙂 Mama knows best!

I’ve been a bit floaty since  Now I’m left with a pretty silly quandary that I hope you guys can help with. What in the world do I do now about my blog series? I was doing it on my rollover days, being Saturday, as that was THE DAY I would turn however many weeks. I did my ten week update on Saturday, and now I’m already past eleven weeks. Sooooo what should I do? Keep Saturday’s but skip a week numberwise? Or talk about how the bulk of my 11th week has looked, even though its not over at that point? Should I move the series to Tuesday, to have it on my rollover day, and just skip the 11 week update? Guys, I don’t know! Any thoughts? I know I’ll make the final decision but I’d love to know what makes the most sense to you guys! Care to share?

mama jeanne

Four hands, arms, legs and feet? Are you trying to tell us something? It’s too late to call. I’ll have to call tomorrow 🙂 So glad to hear all is good. Bless your heart. I love you, my dear.


Hahaha! Its NOT twins! I typed it wrong, and changed it right away, but those of you who get it through email don’t get the next version if I edit it 😉 Just one little baby, with no extras, haha! All the right numbers of all the right things, I promise! You would NOT find out like this if it were twins!