“I G’own Up!”

This morning, being the scattered person that I am, I forgot to change Laela’s diaper. After breakfast, I realized it and took her to her room to change her. Normally, I change her wherever we are, but I thought the carpet in her room would be a bit nicer to lay on. I pulled off her dirty diaper and commented “Another diaper.”

“Uuuuuh…no,” she replied.
“Oh? What about underwear?”

I proceeded to pull the stack of underwear that we’ve kept stashed for her in one of her dresser drawers in anticipation for potty training. She’s seen them all before, but this time it was totally different. She LOVED them. She chose purple stripes, and off we went!

Those purple underwear were quickly swapped out for pink princess ones, thanks to her first accident. And then her second wound her up in some blue and white Olaf underwear.

And in those she STAYS! Two successful pees on the potty makes for a VERY proud mommy, an equally proud Laela, an incredibly supportive Dekker, and four less wafer cookies to our name. Yes, she gets a cookie for a pee. I know, I’ve been told my incentives are big. They’re also short lived. ALSO, I almost never bribe my kids, so I’m fine with the “go big or go home” method 😉 No judging!

WISH I could post pictures of Laela in her little underwear on here. Her wedgie is just hilarious, and its in every single picture. But the internet is a creepy place, and I also know a handful of people who would be offended. By baby bums. Which is ridiculous, in my opinion, but to each their own. Anyway, since I can’t post those pictures on here, I’ll leave you with this picture.


THAT is one excited little girl! THAT is the face of someone who just peed on the toilet!!!

Let’s all celebrate Laela’s amazing success! Way to go, Laela! Keep up the good work!!! I love you so much!