I love Dekker’s school. Its the same elementary school that I attended as a kid, and some of my teachers are even still there, which I LOVE! In the beginning of the school year, there is a big welcome breakfast, where we enjoy pancakes and ham all together. Now, towards the end of the year, they put on a bbq, with hot dogs and freezies. Its so fun, and even though both meals are mass produced, they’re actually really yummy!
So as I said, last week was the BBQ. last year, Solly was so much littler. I wore him in a carrier on my back and he was just the cutest, most cooperative little dude. Everyone was MUCH more independent this year.
We got there near the beginning of the supper, and snagged six hot dogs off of the first table. The kids all carried theirs over to the table with the condiments on it and waited while we dressed them up. Not Solly, though. He just chomped right into it. While we loaded up five of the six hot dogs with ketchup and mustard, Solly managed to grab himself a cup of juice and pour it all over the gym floor. Sigh. Like we had been there less than five minutes. But he looked so matter of fact about it. Like, we were all busy, so he got his own drink. So that sucked, but someone rushed over within seconds with a big garbage can and an armload of paper towels and solved the problem. Thanks for the speedy, non-judgemental recovery!!
Because we are who we are, we parked our crew over against a wall in the gym and I made my way back over to the table and grabbed a few cups of juice for everyone to share. We don’t need six of everything! They were fine to share, and both Dekker and Laela loved trotting back across the gym to refill the cups.
I am SO thankful for one particular staff member who hung out at the hot dog table I frequented, because while I am SO proud of my family, it was somewhat embarrassing just how often I ventured back over there for yet another hot dog. She was so funny, and a great sport about it. At one point, she reassured me that I needed to feed that baby in my belly, to which I replied by confirming that it was not just me eating all of these hot dogs. I was nervous for a second there. I believe our family packed away 15 hot dogs. Fun fact. Three of those went into Solly. Gross, I know. But as they kept eating and being done and changing their minds and wanting more, it became more of a game where I’d go get one for someone, put condiments on it, and bring it back just in time for someone else to want one. It was an ongoing up and down, but the kids were totally happy and very well fed.
We all ate our body weight in hot dogs and then everyone wailed the entire trip back to the van, because thats so often how it goes, lol! Anyone else?? We were quite the spectacle, but at least everyone was full!
I think we’re hot dogged out for a while…