It finally officially happened. I came home yesterday. Slept in my bed. And then headed out in the morning, but as a group! All eight of us.
Today was our LAST day of camp for this season of summer.

We will be back at the end of November for a fun Christmasy day they’ve planned. I may even participate in their marketplace 🤮 that’ll be a first for me!
Today, we packed our camper up, loaded up the shed, tarped off what needed to be tarped, and home we went. The kids were positively ROCKSTARS with helping. I was feeling somewhat under the weather/grossly overdone at first, so all I could do was shiver by the fire and delegate, but the kids were positively THERE for it. It was amazing. It ALL got done. Fight free. I even had the chance to duck away for a couple of pretty pictures. Not of the lake :/ but of other pretty things.

We lurked for only about 3.5 hours, and had a chance to say proper goodbyes to our dear Dahlsjos. Unfortunately, I was not especially myself and didn’t think to take a group selfie or anything. Maybe next time 🤞 Surely it can’t be TOO far away!

We will see them again. And we will be back at camp again. Right now, I have real peace with being at home 💜 I haven’t spent a day around the home for about ten days, and it’s time. I am so thankful for all we go through and all we have gained and experienced. Thank you Lord for ALWAYS providing!