We need to be more careful about what we say on Facebook…
We’re deeply anticipating being at the lake this Spring and Summer, but even with our spot being within walking distance to the water, some of those details are trickier for us this season. Brady could wheel that far, absolutely, but the last long stretch of the path to the lake is just roots and roots and roots! His wheelchair wouldn’t make it, and it would be WAY too uneven on crutches. Not only that, but there are paths and walks and lots of opportunities to explore and be out and about. So, we figured we’d put out feelers for an old beater golf cart that needed minimal fixing, and hopefully get Brady a bit of extra mobility at the lake!
Yesterday, Brady and I posted on Facebook that we were in the market for exactly that – a golf cart that was both basic and affordable. It was a “Does anyone know anyone?” kind of post. Because we could go on kijiji, absolutely, but we always like to ask our circle first. Isn’t it nicer to buy from someone you know, or someone someone you know knows? Lol! Well, we do. So we asked on Facebook if anyone knew anyone selling a golf cart. We were looking for leads.

…someone just brought us a golf cart 😳

I don’t know all the details about it, but I can tell you its a Yamaha. Its very well kept. Its electric. It can hold a handful of people at once, lol! The seats are the color of butter. Its SO cute!
Best of all, it is ours as long as we have a use for it. Indefinitely.
We rolled it onto the lot beside ours, just temporarily until we move some other things around. And then we got into it!

Yes, Brady got into it ON the trailer!!!! So actually getting into it when its on the ground will be easy peasy 😁

The kids in the background tho 😂

What. A. Gift. We are BLOWN away, overwhelmed, and deeply humbled.
Thank you, friends, for showing us love in this way. Thank yous seem inadequate, but thats all we have to offer. My gut reaction is always to apologize, but rather, I will say thank you, and rejoice!

Our summer just got a whole lot more exciting!!